Welcome to Japanese, 2019

This term is all about organization and tiny goals each week.

You can expect to:

  • learn or review the alphabet, HIRAGANA and ROMAJI.
  • speak and comprehend basic greetings, example, SENSEI, ARIGATO, etc.
  • write Hiragana legibly
  • participate in weekly quizzes about Hiragana and vocabulary
  • study outside of class
  • prepare for term finals in Japanese and English

Big takeaway:

Japanese is a language that requires you to STUDY small chunks at a time. You must be able to WRITE and READ the basic alphabet in order to pass this subject.

Your mantra:


What you need in class:

  • blue Hiragana chart
  • Japanese notebook
  • blue/black and red pen
  • diary

Why Japanese?

Make an effort in Japanese so you can travel and speak the language even on a small scale. Even if you know just the basics, it can take you places and make you feel pretty awesome. Plus, it is cool to speak another language. It also makes your brain age slower. If you don’t believe me, just read this article that backs up what I’m telling y’all!

Japan Tour – Sumo Match!