YEAR 7  (sections 11 and 12) : study A I U E O in Hiragana

YEAR 8 : study A I U E O  in Hiragana

YEAR 9 (section 61) : study A I U E O, KA KI KU KE KO in Hiragana and Katakana

YEAR 9 (section 41)  : study A I U E O, KA KI KU KE KO, SA SHI SU SE SO, TA CHI TSU TE TO in Hiragana and Katakana

Next time I see you for class we will begin the lesson with a short quiz according to the list above. Good luck!

Yokoso! Welcome!

Welcome to Japanese Class with Seri Senei.

The first few classes will be an introduction and review of what you already know in Japanese.

We will hit heavy with Kana (the alphabet) Hiragana and Katakana. You are expected to study each week for fast quizzes to aid you in your language fluency. YAY! My Japanese teacher did that for us and as much as I dreaded weekly quizzes, it really helped me read and write in another language.

THIS WEEK you must get the following:

  1. One new notebook for Japanese only.
  2. pencil
  3. blue/black pen
  4. red pen (for marking)
  5. glue
  6. scissors
  7. good attitude