9 // Exam Japanese

Must-Know Nouns

TV   テレビ

Movie えいが

House うち

Friend ともだち

Letter てがみ

Teeth は



Must-Know School Words

School   がっこう 学校

Book    ほん   本

Homework しゅくだい 宿題

Maths   すうがく

Japanese  にほんご 日本語

8 // Ticket In

  1. How do you introduce yourself in Japanese?
  2. Write numbers 1-10 in Japanese Kanji.
  3. Write a caption using your Japanese words for the picture below:

extra: draw a picture of a sport or hobby you are skilled at!

9 // Sentence Structure


And, at ____ o’clock, I brush (my teeth).

学校のあとで ___________をします.

After school, I ____________ (to do/play).


For lunch, I eat ___________.


At ____ o’clock I return home.

___時から___時まで _____をべんきょうしています。

From _____ o’clock until _____ o’clock, I study _______.