To Have

IMASU and ARIMASU (IRU and ARU) are the existence verbs.
Both verbs are used to show existence and also to say “have”.

IRU is used to living and animate objects, while
ARU is used for non-living inanimate objects.


1. Neko ga imasu.
There is a cat. / I have a cat.

2. Enpitsu ga arimasu.
There is a pencil. / I have a pencil.

IMASU is used in combination with the TE-FORM of a verb to make any verb into the “on going present tense form”.

This makes any verb into the English “-ing” form. Just add IMASU to the TE form (command form) of any verb.


1. Aruiteimasu.
I am walking.

2. Tabeteimasu.
I am eating.

3. Miteimasu.
I am looking.

Motteimasu means “am holding, am carrying, owning”

So you can say “I have a TV”.

1. Terebi wo motteimasu.

This can mean “I own a TV” or “I am holding a TV.”

You can also say:

2. Terebi ga arimasu.

This can mean “I have a TV” or “There is a TV”.

ねこを かっています。(NEKO O KATTE IMASU = I have a cat)
ラスベガスに すんでいます。(RASUBEGASU NI SUNDE IMASU = I live in Las Vegas)
にほんごの じしょを もっています。(NIHONGO NO JISHO O MOTTE IMASU = I own a Japanese dictionary)