Ticket In

  1. Out of a 1-5 scale, 1 = did not study at all, 3 = studied a little bit, 5 = studied every week (and went to tutoring), rate yourself on how you studied Japanese in your own time.
  2. Why do you want to learn Japanese?
  3. If you had to change anything you did during Term 1, what would it be?


Ticket In

  1. What would you like to learn in Term 2?
  2. Out of a 1-5 scale, 1 = did not study at all, 3 = studied a little bit, 5 = studied every week (and went to tutoring), rate yourself on how you studied Japanese in your own time.
  3. Why do you want to learn Japanese?


Let’s Practice // Adjectives

There are ENDLESS adjectives to learn in any language – but let’s start with some basic and important words in Japanese.

Here are the specific words you should know in Japanese class:

  • big
  • small
  • difficult/hard
  • interesting
  • boring
  • fun
  • delicious
  • hot
  • cold
  • expensive
  • new
  • old
  • good
  • bad
  • dislike
  • like
  • love
  • skillful

Ticket In

  1. Translate this English into Japanese: “Kenji likes soccer.”
  2. What does this mean in English: わたしは 十三 さい です。
  3. Write the Romaji (English pronunciation) for these Japanese hiragana: れ や ち ろ る
  4. EXTRA: Try to draw these guys!
