Year 8 + 9// Lesson

TODAY // Kyo

  • WHAT // Introductions, expectations, the basics
  • WHY // Set you up for a successful (and fun) term in Japanese
  • HOW // Quick power point, game, and Ticket Out (What is this? I’ll tell you)!

Deer Park Rules

What does this look like for you? // What + Why + How

  • WHAT // Listen to new content, write down notes when prompted, and participate!
  • WHY // During new content, demonstrating these skills allows you to listen and look without distractions.
  • HOW // Pencils down, eyes on speaker/screen, listening silently, hands up for questions at the end. Take notes when a prompt is given ONLY.

Howdy! // A little about your teacher, Mrs. Meyer

  • I am American! USA! But I am a permanent resident of Australia.
  • My alma mater is THE Ohio State University and University of Cincinnati.
  • I love to travel! My recent trips have been to America and Japan.
  • I am a competitive Irish Dancer, I used to play lacrosse, and I love sports!
  • YOUR TURN! Catch the ball and tell me your NAME and where you have/want to travel.


Power Point // The Basics for this Course

  • Expectations + Rules

WHAT’S IN A NAME? // Practicing your Japanese name!

  • Just for fun, show me how well you can write your name in Japanese.

TICKET OUT // Sayonara!

Year 8 + 9 // Core Values


What do these core values LOOK and SOUND like?


Appreciating the value of a person or an object through your words, actions and attitude – treating people appropriately with common courtesy.


Able to be trusted and or depended upon to complete tasks, follow directions and own up to your actions.


Being truthful, fair and trustworthy in your words and actions – doing as you say and saying as you do.


Possessing confidence and resolve to take risks and make right decisions in the face of pressure and adverse or unfamiliar circumstances.


Eager to learn, explore and question things to gain a deeper understanding.

Doing Your Best

Putting your best effort into everything you do.